Cucuruzzu Castle

Vue du Casteddu Cucuruzzu Capula

If the human presence in Corsica is estimated at -10 000 before J-C and that one finds traces of proto-Corsican civilization towards -5 000 before J-C, the Casteddu of Cucuruzzu dates him from the age of old bronze (1 800 before J-C). It is one of the biggest and imposing fortifications of Corsica, abandoned by …


Eglise St Jean

In the 14th century, the Genoese decided to move the residence of the governors from the site of Biguglia, which was very exposed to external attacks, to a rocky promontory located above a fishing village (Portu Cardu) where they built a bastion and then surrounded it with a citadel. It then developed from this bastion …